

Please complete this form so we can add you to our website! Once this is complete, email an image, written excerpt, or video link of your artwork to be used on our website to

Terms and Conditions: By sending us media work(s), you affirm that you the creator and/or copyright holder of the media work, or are otherwise licensed to distribute the media work for the purposes described above. You further agree that Radiant Hall may, at any time and without payment or compensation of any sort, use and publish the media work on its website for the purposes of advertising and promotion.


Submit your request for promotional support for upcoming projects, shows, or special announcements.

  • Monthly Newsletter: Requests must be submitted by the 5th of each month.

  • Social Media: Requests should be submitted at least 10 days before the event.

Please note that submission does not guarantee promotional support, but we will do our best to accommodate your request.


If you are a current Radiant Hall Studio Member and want to relocate your studio for any reason (upsizing, downsizing, window access, etc.), please fill out this form to let us know.

Our selection criteria: While we prioritize studio interest from current members on our waitlist, there are many things we consider when filling a vacancy. Note that we do not jury artworks as part of the selection process and the criteria below are not ranked. As we strive for a diverse and inclusive community, consideration is always given to the make up of our current community, and how we can better represent a range of artistic/creative practices, backgrounds, and perspectives.

Some things we consider:

  • How long has the member been a part of Radiant Hall?

  • Is the current Studio Member part of a temporary residency program?

  • Does the member have a home zip code in the area or strong connection to neighborhood (if looking to move to a different location)?

  • Would this member expand the diversity of the artists and practices currently represented in the studio location (if looking to move to a different location)?

  • When was the date of inquiry?/ How long have they been on the waitlist?

  • Does the desired move in date align with the availability of the studio?

  • Is there an urgent need for more/less/different space?


The Membership Committee will select one artist member per year to serve as co-chair along with a member of Radiant Hall’s Board of Directors. The role of the committee co-chair is to help set the meeting agenda, encourage member participation, and communicate committee activities to artist members. The co-chair will receive an annual stipend of $300.


If you are experiencing financial hardship, you can request that all or a portion of your Radiant Hall membership dues be temporarily waived. Please keep in mind that member dues are crucial to Radiant Hall’s financial stability. As such, we won’t be able to accommodate all requests, but we will do our best to ensure that relief is distributed to those who need it most.


How are we doing?


The following form is intended for reporting violations of the Code of Conduct and other organizational policies. Submissions are received by Radiant Hall’s Managing Director as well as the Vice President of the Board. While this form allows you to report anonymously, please know that using this option may limit our ability to take action. See Page 6 of the Code of Conduct for more information on confidentiality.



I need help with:


WRITING MY ARTIST STATEMENT/BIO is our go-to resource for navigating the business of art. GYST's offerings include an overview, guidelines, and useful words for writing artist statements. Radiant Hall offers free artist statement reviews from Porter Loves Creative to two artist members per month on a first-come, first-served basis.

For advice on writing an artist bio, check out:


Some helpful resources for writing an Artist CV:

BUILDING TECHNICAL SKILLS is an online learning platform that helps anyone learn business, software, technology and creative skills to achieve personal and professional goals. You can access over 1,100 online courses on topics like Photoshop, Illustrator, 3D printing, web development, etc. for free with a Carnegie Library card.

Codecademy is another cool resource that offers free coding classes in 12 different programming languages including Python, Java, JavaScript, Ruby, SQL, and Sass, as well as markup languages HTML and CSS.


We can’t emphasize enough how important it is to have professional photos of your work. Documentation is the cornerstone of a strong portfolio, and necessary to have ready for any opportunity that comes your way. Radiant Hall provides professional headshots and candids to artists who participate in Open Studios. If you're looking for a photographer to work with on a regular basis, here are a few talented folks we've worked with: Adam Milliron, Ryan Michael White, Christopher Sprowls, and Julie Kahlbaugh.

For editing purposes, we recommend Photoshop or Lightbox. Adobe programs are available for around $10/month (photography only) or $50/month (all programs). It is well worth the investment to have the proper tools. If you want to learn to use your new Adobe programs and you have a Carnegie Library card, you have access to for free, and can watch unlimited tutorials on any program you’d like!

We highly recommend storing your files on an external hard drive. Raw files take up a ton of space on your computer. Here are some guidelines for saving image files:

  • raw - for archive purposes, you should always have each image in its original format
  • print - you'll want a high resolution (300dpi) version saved in CMYK as a .tif for magazines, newspapers, or anyone else who needs a print-ready file.
  • web - 1080 px wide by however tall saved in RGB as a .png or .jpg. Web should be saved at 72dpi.
  • thumbnail (optional) - most websites will automatically generate a thumbnail from the web version, so this is optional. Thumbnails are usually square (typically 150px x 150px) but don't have to be.

Decide on a naming system for files that works for your practice and stick to it. It will make searching, inventory, and sharing so much easier. Some suggestions: Lastname_TitleofArtwork_2016-raw or Lastname_TitleofArtwork_detail_2016-raw.


Airtable is the inventory software we recommend to keep all of your work and information in one secure place. Airtable spreadsheets have more flexibility than Excel or Google Sheets and can be tailored to your specific needs.

Look through the guide to familiarize yourself with the software, and take a look at the Inventory Spreadsheet we have laid out.


GYST's guides to proposals & grants and residencies provide an excellent overview of the process of applying for funding and other artist opportunities.

Creative Capital compiles a list of residencies, grant and award opportunities, and open calls for artists and curators every month. Their blog also offers advice on the grant-writing process. We particularly like their guide to creating a project budget.

The Nonprofit Resource Center at the Carnegie Library provides free access to print and online resources for grantseekers. Visit CLP Main in Oakland to access specialized databases like the Foundation Grants to Individuals database, which includes information on almost 10,000 funders that provide scholarships, fellowships, grants and other types of financial support to artists, students, and researchers.

Other places to look for opportunities include:

A few ongoing opportunities you might want to look into:


Of course, GYST offers a pretty comprehensive overview of building a web presence. If you're looking for website building and hosting suggestions, Radiant Hall uses Squarespace and GoDaddy. Wordpress is also a good option.

Radiant Hall members and alumni can have their bio, photo, and personal website link included in the artist listing on our website.


This brief guide covers personal budgeting as well as some basics for running a small business. GYST covers finances, budgeting, taxes, etc. for artists in more detail. Radiant Hall uses QuickBooks for invoicing, payment processing, tracking expenses, and other accounting needs. You can use the online version for as little as $10/month.

If you want some personalized guidance, Radiant Hall artist member Lucine Folgueras is a Certified Financial Planner, and offers free confidential advice sessions for other RH members. Send us an email and we'll connect you!


Greater Pittsburgh Arts Council has established an Emergency Fund for artists who have experienced career-threatening situations such as a fire, flood, or theft. Grants from $300 to $1,000 are offered to assist with replacing materials, equipment, etc. to help get your art practice back on track.

Another useful source is this aggregated list of FREE resources, opportunities, and financial relief options available to artists of all disciplines. This list was compiled in response to the COVID-19 outbreak, however most of these services are not limited to this specific crisis.

Volunteer Lawyers for the Arts (VLA) provides pro bono legal assistance to low income artists and smaller arts nonprofits for arts-related legal needs. If you are in need of legal help for items like contracts, non-profit designation, copyrights and trademarks, you can apply for assistance through GPAC if you meet certain eligibility criteria.

The Business Volunteers for the Arts (BVA) program will help you get the business help you need at a fraction of the cost. Pittsburgh area business professionals volunteer their expertise in financial and strategic planning, marketing, information technology, human resources and more to assist artists and arts nonprofits. You can learn more and apply through GPAC.

SOMETHING ELSE has practical guides for just about every aspect of your artistic career. For local resources, check out the Greater Pittsburgh Arts Council's artist services. If you can't find the help you need, contact us!