Jiyoo Jye


After earning her BFA at CMU, Ji dedicated her time and energy to radiant hall and amongst a vibrant community of artists, she began her independent series of large-abstract paintings. her work explores the emotive aesthetics of the subconsciousness. each painting becomes an intact preservation of exteriorized temperaments, impulses, emotional catharsis derived from the physicality of the painting process. as an evolving artist, this period of experimentation in her artistic endeavors granted Ji the opportunity to showcase her work, practice craftsmanship, and most importantly, meditate on and value her innate obsession with making art. additionally, having access to a studio space connected her to other practicing artists whose work was central to their lives. since her involvement at radiant hall, Ji has moved to NYC to work as brand manager at a fashion company. She plans to attend harvard graduate school of design in the fall to pursue her masters degree.